When we’re sick, our energy is zapped. If you can only do one thing the entire day for yourself, try an herbal steam. They are simple, easy, and affordable methods of clearing congested sinuses while delivering the antimicrobial properties of herbs directly into the lungs.
Our lungs' contact with the air is a gift in so many ways, they keep us alive! We couldn’t live without breathing. Let’s take advantage of that and bring the herbal properties as close as we can to our lungs.
You only need a few items to do an herbal steam.
3 TBL or two hand fulls of aromatic herbs such as oregano, thyme, sage rosemary or eucalyptus (one or all of the above) I just use whatever I find in my cabinet.
2 Quarts boiling water in a pot on the stove
1-2 drops of essential oil of oregano, thyme, sage rosemary or eucalyptus (one or all of the above).
Items to have on hand:
Tissues or hankie for blowing your nose during and after
Essential oils are super potent and if you don’t have any, no worries! Just use the dried or fresh herbs. Only 1-2 drops are needed since they are strong! Be sure to close your eyes during the steam to prevent irritation and burning.
Measuring of the herbs is suggested, but not required. Don’t let it stress you out if you don’t have enough of the herbs, just use what you have on hand or contact me to send you some.
To do the herbal steam:
Add your herbs to the boiling water and shut it off, cover for 5 min.
Place the pot somewhere you can sit with your head above it like a table.
Sit down and place the towel over your head enclosing your face around the pot trying to close off any openings so the steam doesn’t escape
Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your mouth and nose interchangeably
If it’s burning your face, move further away until comfortable
Your sinuses may begin draining so use your hankie to blow your nose.
Stay for at least 5 minutes or until you feel complete.
The aromatic herbs chosen for this recipe are naturally antimicrobial, antiviral and anti fungal. They are common kitchen herbs and grow easily in gardens. When we heat them in hot water, the volatile oils escape and those contain healing properties. Herbal steaming is inexpensive, or no cost if you grow your own herbs and gives immediate relief!
You can reuse the pot of herbs a few times, then discard and start with new herbs. Steam 3-4 times daily to relieve symptoms and fight viruses. When I do herbal steam, I immediately feel better and my face feels soft, too! Win Win!

Other tips while sick:
Stay hydrated with lots of herbal teas, water, and lemon ginger honey tea. My go to for respiratory support is Lavender Lemonade and Immune Tea
REST! So hard, but you will recover faster, I promise.
Stay warm with heating pads, blankets, hot baths, and warm liquids. I sometimes try to induce a fever by heating up in a hot bath then getting under blankets to sweat it out. When our body temperature rises, viruses struggle to stay alive.
Fire Cider, 1 oz. shots in warm water with honey every 3-4 hours
Elderberry Syrup, 1 tablespoon every 3-4 hours
Zinc lozenges or tablets 2 x daily with food
Vitamin C packets or tablets 2 x daily with food
Antiviral tincture (I make a potent one with echinacea, astragalus, maitake, Japanese knotweed, elderflower, lemon balm, rosemary
Avoid cold foods
Lavender Lemonade, idea hot for colds/flus
Elderberry Syrup