Winter is the season when the herb gardens rest and we make teas from dried leaves & flowers. Lemon Balm is who I turn to for all sorts of winter ailments such as: colds, flus, seasonal depression, anxiety, viruses, herpes outbreaks, and stomach upset.
The uplifting aromas of lemon balm tea soothe a soul in distress. It can be blended with many other herbs like mint, lemongrass, rose, or ginger, or sipped simply on its own.
One winter I felt down in the dumps on a grey cloudy day, so I mixed a few herbs together, allowing my hands (which are an extension of the heart) to guide me to each herb. Sip of Sunshine was created from this intuitive moment. The plants guided me to a tea blend I want to share with you all.
Steep Lemon Balm for 15 minutes in boiling water then add a 1/2 tsp. honey if you wish. The leaves make a delicious glycerine-based tincture for kids. Pair it with catnip and chamomile for sleep support and teething. Recipes below.
About Lemon Balm:
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
This perennial plant is in the mint family and is native to the Mediterranean. The best time to harvest the leaves is in the summer before flowering.
Taste: astringent, sweet, sour
Energy: cool if taken cool, warm if taken warm, neutral
dry/astringent, moistening (lots of energies in this one!)
Organ Affinities: heart, nervous system, thyroid, immune
Tissue States: irritation
1) Nervous System: heart gladdener, restores and balances nervous system, chronic fatigue, shock, brightens and clears the mind, anxiety, depression, irritability, restlessness, nervous palpitations, ADD, ADHD, spirit sickness, hyperthyroidism, recovering alcoholics, smokers, PTSD, shingles, neuralgia
2) Heart/Shen (Spirit): treats heart palpitations, eases the spirit, clears heart constraint, tight chest, and restores vitality to an emotionally hurting heart.
3) Lymph/Immune: antiviral, antibacterial, relives colds, flues, herpes, Epstein bar, chicken pox, shingles, fever sores. Antiallergenic and antihistaminic. Great to children because is it safe and calming for fever management.
4) Stomach/Digestion: carminative, settles upset stomach
5) Liver: mildly protective, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, reduces liver fire rising, migraines, temper, emotions and anger that cause high blood pressure. 6) Female Reproductive: PMS/anxiety, eases labor from anxiety, eases menopausal swings
7) Skin: topically or internally for herpes sores, allergic gives, mild burns, blisters, restores elasticity to hardened skin.
TEA: 1-2 tsp. per 8 oz. water, steep 15-30 minutes, drink 2-4 cups daily
EXTRACT: 1:2.5 fresh, 1:5 dry @ 50-60% ETOH, 30-90 drops 3-4 X daily
GLYCERITE: 1:2 fresh, 1:5 dry @ 60% vegetable glycerin, 10% ETOH optional, 30-120 drops 3- 4 X daily
Cautions/Contraindications: lemon balm is contraindicated for hypothyroidism and do not use in formulas with both motherwort and bugleweed together.
Each summer we process lemon balm into tinctures for our various immune and heart lifting formulas. First we remove all the stems then blend the leaves with alcohol.
The phone sitting in the middle is for talking to my first apprentice ever, Sara, who moved to Hawaii. We like to chat while making herbal creations. Herbal sisters are the best! They are also natural mood lifters.