As 2020 nears a close it is evident that we are all at Great Crossroads. There are two paths. One is filled with greed and materialism at any cost even the destruction of the very planet we call home. The other path is based in generosity, reciprocity and understanding that each moment is a gift from the Earth, which we are deeply linked to whether or not we believe so.
In a time of much chaos, confusion, despair and death, we have to choose which path we will take because time is of the essence. Is it filled with hope for the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible, or is it laden with distrust of one another as we watch the Earth continue to be raped and ravaged in the name of progress?
I know deep in my bones which one I will walk. It is my hope you will join me there. I will be waiting, with open arms. It will not be easy and rosy every minute (though I will have loads of Rose Oil to share!) - there is a lot of work to be done to repair and mend the broken bones of society.
Racism, classism, sexism, homophobia are a highly contagious illness that has wrapped its tentacles around many of our sisters and brothers. Oppression and isolation is a fertile breeding ground for this confusion to fester. There are not bad people out there, only deeply hurt and confused people. The crossroads calls on us to invite everyone into our hearts and offer forgiveness so that reparations may begin. If they do not want to walk with us, that means we offer compassion and let them go with love. It is not our responsibility or even our place to change people. We can only be responsible for our own actions.
Our beautiful world requires light workers like you to step up and mend the broken bones so we can create a solid foundation based in truth and love. I want to be careful not to exclude or create a divide between peoples using “us” and “them” wording. What I see is one family under one sun and one moon. Whether or not we can believe it, we are all one global family. And, families can be messy organisms!
One way to mend the broken family we are part of is to see every person with as much compassion as we can muster, especially when we feel they have caused us pain. This is not some spiritual bypassing infused with naivety, this is the most difficult work imaginable that will bring us to the treasure hidden inside our souls. The key to mending karmic ties, whether ancestral, previous, or present lifetimes is to find compassion and release all participants, including yourself, from suffering.
I try to imagine that every human being is doing the best they can in each moment. This is not to say they are doing the “right” thing, this is a way of releasing judgment on others because you never really know their full story. This does not condemn violence or inflicting pain on anyone, this is a practice that is intended to release the suffering that judgment of others causes you.

What is possible at this Crossroads as we enter 2021?
I pray we do not become complacent with a new leader in office. We must continue to demand real, lasting change. I pray we do not fall back asleep. May we walk the path of truth and beauty, birthing this new world together.