Every September I become immersed in the wonders of the Artemisia family: Mugwort, Sweet Annie and Wormwood. While weaving wreaths and binding bundles with twine, my hair collects the pollen of these sister plants. Mugwort is the dream keeper, offering very vivid dreams that feel so real I

awake each morning in awe of the mysterious world connecting my brain and spirit without my conscious awareness.
Artemisia gets her name from Artemis, Goddess of the hunt, the moon, and protector of childbirth. Use a smudge for burning or carry dried leaves for purification, protection especially when traveling or during divination.
Harvest mugwort just before or during flowering for uses as tea, tincture, burning, dream pillows or oil. It is used for promoting menstruation, thus is not to be used during pregnancy. I use it to calm nervousness, anxiety, digestive bloating, stagnant Qi, feelings of being stuck in life, or dispelling unwanted energies that get in the way of being myself.

Excellent for treating fungal infections such as candida. The tea is bitter so if you prefer to take as a tincture that is recommended. I add it to digestive bitter blends to promote peristalsis and prevent constipation.
As the protector of childbirth, it can be used to help resolve incomplete miscarriages. But, best to work with a trained herbalist.
While working with the plant, I enter into an altered state of consciousness, a dream like place where all the worries of the world melt away.
Happy Dreaming during the Autumn Equinox!
To pre-order bundles or wreaths click here.
